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中餐厅什么意思 中餐厅是什么意思词语翻译Chi



  Chinese Restaurant, Chinese dining room, CHINESE RESTAURANT CHN REST




  湖南卫视中餐厅中餐厅湖南卫视中餐厅装修效果图中餐厅 泰国哪里中餐厅设计说明中餐厅之超级巨星中餐厅2被接档赵薇中餐厅衣服中餐厅2主题曲赵薇中餐厅发型中餐厅张亮做的菜中餐厅综艺视频一起来看中餐厅中餐厅嘉宾名单赵薇中餐厅放的歌中餐厅周几更新中餐厅发布会视频中餐厅开播时间巴塞罗那中餐厅瑞安田野中餐厅


  1: 男士:我们可以去那家新开的中餐厅。

  Jack: We could go to that new Chinese restaurant.

  2: 请你告诉我中餐厅局级在哪里?

  Would you tell me where the Chinas restaurant is ?

  3: 这个条目是您在中餐厅的晚餐消费。

  This item is for your dinner in the Chinese restaurant.

  4: 我们有一个中餐厅和一个西餐厅你喜欢哪一个?

  R: We have a Chinese restaurant and a Western restaurant.Which one do you prefer?

  5: 我知道一家很棒的中餐厅就在我们办公楼附近。

  A:I know a very good Chinese restaurant near our office building.

  6: 我知道一家很棒的中餐厅就在我们办公楼附近。我们去那吧。

  I know a very good Chinese restaurant near our office building. Let"s go there.

  7: 中餐厅基本是每一个酒店最主要的餐饮场所。

  The restaurant is basically every hotel in the main dining place.

  8: 我们这里有中餐厅和西餐厅,您更喜欢哪个呢?

  We have Chinese restaurant and a western-style restaurant. Which one do you prefer?

  9: 中餐厅,能为您服务吗?

  Chinese restaurant . May I help you ?

  10: 自助餐厅,中餐厅,西餐厅。

  Buffet restaurant , chinese restaurant , western restaurant.

  11: 晚上好欢迎光临荷花中餐厅。

  Good evening, sir. Welcome to Lotus Chinese restaurant.

  12: 对不起,请问中餐厅什么时候打烊?

  CG: Excuse me, but when does the Chinese Restaurant close?

  13: 进入酒店内的中餐厅。

  Enter a Chinese restaurant in hotel.

  14: 您认为海洋公园中餐厅的位置是否方便?

  Do you think the restaurants in Ocean Park are easily accessible?

  15: 爷爷:嗨,孩子,别弄错了。这是中餐厅。我们得吃点传统的食品。

  Grandpa: Hey, kid, that"s wrong. It"s a Chinese restaurant. Let"s eat something traditional.

  16: 例如庭院会议室,中餐厅和水疗中心等。

  For example courtyards for meeting room, Chinese cuisine restaurant and spa.

  17: 附近有附设赌场或者中餐厅的旅馆吗?

  Are there any hotels around with a casino or a Chinese restaurant?

  18: 在伦敦有很多中餐厅。

  There are many Chinese restaurants in London.

  19: 莫莉:人给您个落议。尝尝小饭店外的中餐厅。

  Molly : I"ll give you a hint. Try western restaurants inside major hotels.

  20: 这个旅馆里有没有中餐厅?

  Is there a Chinese restaurant here in this hotel?

  21: 西餐厅的服装活泼亮丽,中餐厅的婉约古典。

  Uniform for western restaurant is bright-colored and for Chinese restaurant is classical.

  22: 别着急。我来给中餐厅打个电话,给您订一桌9:30的。 。

  Don"t worry. I"ll call the restaurant and book a table for you for 9:30.

  23: 阁下对本酒店的中餐厅有何意见和建议?

  Do your have any suggestions about the Chinese Restaurant?

  24: 我很抱歉让你扫兴了,但事实上大多数的中餐厅真的是不提供甜食的。

  I am sorry to break it to you, but most Chinese restaurants don"t serve dessert.

  25: 从马德里到越南,绝大多数中餐厅老板都是温州人,而且在有的地方他们在欧洲的土壤里将温州经验再创新。

  Wenzhounese make up the majority of Chinese restaurant owners from Madrid to Vienna, and in some places they have recreated the Wenzhou experience on European soil.

  26: 雪域中餐厅面积275平方米,提供中西式自助早餐、团队餐、婚宴、聚会、会议自助餐,可容纳200人同时就餐。

  Xueyu Chinese restaurant area 275 square meters, western buffet breakfast, provide team meal, wedding banquet, party, meeting buffet, can accommodate up to 200 people at dinner.

  27: 这其中包括拥有现场明档表演的集多种烹调风格的全日餐厅,中餐厅和巴西烤肉餐厅,以及各式酒吧和酒廊。

  Will offer everything from a multi cuisine All day dinning restaurant featuring live cooking stations, Chinese restaurant, Brazilian restaurant, a selection of bars and lounges.

  28: 中餐厅、西餐厅、多功能宴会厅以及多个风格各异、华贵典雅的贵宾厅可容纳近700人同时用餐。

  Chinese restaurant, western restaurant, multi-functional banquet hall, and multiple styles, luxurious and elegant lounge can accommodate nearly 700 people at dinner.

  29: 著名的“南岛渔村”中餐厅,可容纳450人同时就餐,特聘名厨为您精心烹制潮粤美食以及各地风味。

  South Island Fishing Village , the famous seafood restaurant can hold 450 persons, featuring with Cantonese Cuisine and other various selection of gourmet.

  30: 梁先生反映他的卡当时销售卖时没有讲清楚,在中餐厅用餐时没有跟他讲一次只可以用以张。

  Mr Leung was reflected in sales to sell his card did not make it clear, in a restaurant without telling him only to Zhang.

  31: 碧湖轩中餐厅由名厨主理的新派粤菜、 巧手精制的山珍海鲜,每道菜色都包含了中国数千年的饮食文化。

  The Lake Side Chinese Restaurant caters you with novel Cantonese food from reputed chefs. Each cuisine has absorbed centuries of the splendid Chinese catering culture.

  32: 在六楼,一家名叫四川熊猫的中餐厅正在营业。

  On the sixth floor, a restaurant called Sichuan Panda was serving dinner.

  33: 海涛中餐厅预备了系列消暑美食,是您酷夏消暑的最佳选择!

  Come to Hao Tao Restaurant for a selected Summer Release Menu to release the summer heat!

  34: 可容纳130人的中餐厅“淳大轩”及十个豪华包房,装饰格调高雅,以经营粤菜、本帮菜为主。

  Chunda Xuan Restaurant contains 130 seats ten deluxe private rooms showcasing all the best of traditional Cantonese cuisine with dim-sum shanghainese highlights.

  35: 中餐厅典雅堂皇,气派豪华,由大厅及多间豪华贵宾包厢组成,为您提供多样的餐饮服务。

  The Chinese restaurant, elegant and majestic, consists of the hall and several luxurious VIP rooms, providing a diversity of catering services.

  36: 中餐厅华丽典雅,尊贵舒适,聚集名厨巧手烹调的精美膳食,南粤水乡风味佳肴一应俱全,令宾客享尽江南美食之口福。

  The Chinese restaurant is splendid and graceful. You will enjoy all kinds of delicious dishes of southeast China, especially those of south Guangdong province, produced by our famous chefs.

  37: 地点:南京绿地洲际酒店76层,凌霄中餐厅哈里发厅,南京市鼓楼区中央路1号。

  Venue: Intercontinental Nanjing, 76F, Khalifa Room, Summit Restaurant, No. 1 Zhongyang Road, Gulou District, Nanjing.

  38: 环境幽雅,清新舒适,功能齐全的中餐厅,是您会议、度假的理想场所。

  It"s quiet and tasteful surroundings, fresh and comfortably. The multi-function of Chinese restaurant is the ideal place for your holiday and meeting.

  39: 在酒店发展第二期更加配大型的中餐厅及康体中心。

  The second phase of the Hotel"s construction will witness the establishment of larger Chinese Restaurant and fitness center.

  40: 梁先生反映当时销售人员在卖卡时没有讲清楚在中餐厅用餐时只可以使用一张现金券,导致用餐最后不高兴。

  Leung reflect the current sales staff did not make it clear to sell cards in the restaurant with only one coupon can be used, leading to the final happy meal.

  41: 在皇朝食府中餐厅,您可以尽情享受高品质的粤式菜肴以及精致的点心、具有本土风呋的海南菜。

  At Dynasty Chinese restaurant, diners can enjoy high quality Cantonese and local delicacies; plus Dim-Sum selections.

  42: 位于酒店一层的“壹湘馆”中餐厅提供名厨主理的地道湘菜,14间典雅贵宾包房为您提供无可媲美的华贵享受。

  Royal Chinese Restaurant located at ground floor, which provides authentic Chinese dishes, 14 elegant and noble VIP room will bring you a non-comparative noble enjoyment.

  43: 额外的建议,包括食物,以服务旅客在监狱中餐厅及划船旅游周围岛屿。

  Additional proposals include serving food to visitors in the prison cafeteria and boat tours around the island.


标签: 中餐 in the 
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