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  n. (美国)意大利移民

  n. (ethnic slur) offensive term for a person of Italian descent



  I don't know what that's supposed to be, but it's not the wop.

  我不知道这是什么舞 但不是嘻哈舞

  The same guys who called me wop and dago.

  他们则叫我南蛮 外国佬

  Well, what do you know, the wop is back.

  谁能想到呢 牢骚鬼回来了

  Check it out. I think I got the wop.

  你们看 我觉得我学会嘻哈舞了

  And the ship goes wop with a wiggle between.


  We're like sitting ducks here, if the wops come.

  如果意大利人过来 我们就像是砧板上的肉

  After you apologize for being late, you mother*ing wop cocksucker.

  前提是你先为这次迟到道歉 你个*养的外国佬

  You know, you're the wop working in the *ing tile factory.

  你只是个 在砖厂搬砖的外国佬而已

  Wop or spig, doesn't make much difference, I suppose.

  意大利裔还是西班牙裔 我认为没太大区别

  Bussing tables and and hauling trash for wops I wouldn't piss on if they was on fire.

  擦桌子 还得为那些 天杀的意大利佬运垃圾


标签: the ing 意大利 外国 and 
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